Inclusive camp fair to be held in West Orange, vendors wanted

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Special Education Parents Advisory Council, in conjunction with Parents Advocating for Special Services in Education, has announced an inclusive camp fair to be held Friday, April 1, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Tarnoff Cafeteria at West Orange High School, 51 Conforti Ave.

The event will provide information on special services for students in West Orange and beyond, including summer programming. In addition, a PerformCare application workshop will be held during the event.

The inclusive camp fair will feature door prizes, raffles and vendor tables. WOSEPAC is seeking additional vendors.

“Let us know if you have a service appropriate for our camp fair, such as mental health provider, therapist, summer programs, summer classes, financial adviser, special education attorney, etc.,” WOSEPAC Chairperson Gina Velazquez said. “We look forward to meeting everyone at our event. Come and meet us and let us know if you would like to join the WOSEPAC team.”

Visit the WOSEPAC website at or contact Velazquez at for more information on securing a vendor table.