NJAW to customers: Our water is safe to drink

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — In light of the ongoing issues related to elevated lead levels in Newark, New Jersey American Water is reassuring its customers that their water is safe to drink.

“New Jersey American Water routinely tests and monitors the drinking water leaving the treatment facilities and at different distribution points through the system — and we provide corrosion control treatment where needed — and test results show our water meets or surpasses both state and federal standards for all regulated substances, including lead,” NJAW President Cheryl Norton said. “We have an exceptional track record when it comes to water quality and regulatory compliance, which ranks us among the best water companies in the nation. We encourage our customers to read through the information provided in our water quality reports to better understand the work we do and our commitment to providing high-quality water 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout the 192 communities in New Jersey that we serve.”

The company’s water quality reports, which are available online and also in printed copies upon request, give an overview of local drinking water sources for each community and detail the testing conducted on the company’s water each year. NJAW customers can access their water quality report online at www.newjersey.amwater.com/waterquality

According to Norton, there are additional steps people can take to help further protect themselves from lead particles that could be present in indoor plumbing. 

“While we know that lead is not an issue in the treated water leaving our facilities or in the pipes in the distribution system, if your home was built before 1985, your plumbing system may contain leaded materials,” she said. “To minimize possible exposure, experts recommend running your kitchen tap with cold water for 30 seconds to 2 minutes if it has gone unused for more than six hours. This is a simple way to reduce the risk of lead exposure from plumbing in older buildings.”

For more tips and information, visit www.newjerseyamwater.com/leadfacts.