Redwood Junior Girl Scout Troop 20091 builds signs for environmental center

WO-redwood girl scout ecec-WWEST ORANGE, NJ — Fifth-grade students in the Redwood Elementary School Junior Girl Scout Troop 20091 recently completed a months-long project that is likely to garner them a Bronze Award, the highest award a Junior can receive.

In an effort to do something positive for the community, the troop responded to comments made last year by Essex County Environmental Center educator David Alexander while hiking that the center was continually in need of signs to place around walkways.

Kuiken Lumber in Roseland donated the wood and the troop purchased paint with their cookie earnings. Parents also helped out with supplies. Troop leaders Heather Fennell and Eileen Mohr were proud of the work the girls accomplished.

Photo Courtesy of Cynthia Cumming