TLCC partners with JVS to serve residents in need

WEST ORANGE, NJ — COVID-19 affects many Essex County residents, particularly those with underlying health issues or other challenges. The Life Christian Church of West Orange has partnered with Jewish Vocational Service of MetroWest to make grocery deliveries to 60 individuals who are part of the JVS and who are either struggling financially during this time or are unable to leave their home due to mobility, health, transportation or other issues. 

The two organizations connected through TLCC’s help line at, which is taking requests for assistance from residents in West Orange and surrounding towns during this COVID-19 pandemic. JVS received grants to help provide groceries and supplies to its clients who have disabilities or are refugees and recent immigrants to the United States. 

TLCC’s volunteer teams, in conjunction with JVS, are gathering and distributing the groceries every other week for the next two months.

“This is a beautiful outcome of setting up the online help line on our website for the community,” TLCC lead Pastor Terry Smith said. “Partnership during this pandemic is allowing us to help our neighbors that need it most right now.” 

In addition, TLCC volunteer teams have been delivering donations to food pantries in West Orange, Teaneck, Passaic, Montclair and Bloomfield. Recently, a team of TLCC volunteers helped Christine’s Kitchen, a free lunch program in West Orange, provide hot grab-and-go meals after only distributing sandwiches over the past several weeks. 

“I love seeing our volunteer teams continue to spread God’s love in ever-widening circles to our neighbors, our communities and the world,” Smith said.