WO church holds outdoor drive-in festival

WEST ORANGE, NJ — COVID-19 concerns have led many houses of worship to move all services to an online platform. After 17 weeks of providing a completely virtual worship experience, while also serving the community during its time of need and serving seven different food pantries, The Life Christian Church of West Orange began meeting in-person again for not-so-typical drive-in services on Sunday, July 12. 

TLCC is launching, “Summer Drive-In: 5 Weeks of EnCOURAGEment – An On-Campus Outdoor Festival.” With more than 100,000 square feet of parking available in its lot and with N.J. guidelines supporting socially distanced outdoor gatherings, TLCC founder and lead Pastor Terry Smith was eager for this homecoming service. 

“I am so excited for us to be coming together as a church family. And with this momentous occasion, we thought it would only be fitting to have a celebration — a safe, socially distanced festival of sorts,” Smith said. 

Attendees were asked to park in every other space and were encouraged to bring blankets and chairs to sit socially distanced outside of their vehicles while enjoying the worship experience. Safe activities were provided for children to enjoy while there, as well. And before and after each service, food trucks were available. 

“It’s been so long since we’ve been able to worship together in person, and having led this church for nearly 30 years, frankly, it’s a bit emotional. This is what the church does,” Smith said. “Gathering is an essential part of what it means to be a church. Gathering is so important for us to properly relate to God and to each other.” 

For those who do not yet feel comfortable gathering, and for those at risk or who are uniquely vulnerable, TLCC will continue to livestream its services at TLCC.org. 

For more information, visit www.tlcc.org/reopen.

Photos Courtesy of Lauren Steckly