‘Wrestling With Faith,’ a new 6-week journey

WEST ORANGE, NJ — This October, Chabad of West Orange will offer “Wrestling with Faith,” a new six-session course by acclaimed Rohr Jewish Learning Institute that openly addresses common challenges people have in their relationship with God.

Beginning Monday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p.m., participants in the course will grapple with issues with which many struggle, including beliefs in Judaism that seem primitive or outdated, reconciling scientific findings with ideas that cannot be proven in a lab, and the role of religion regarding gender roles, relationship choices and other such controversial issues.

“Wrestling with Faith” explores questions such as: Why do I need God if I can live perfectly well without Him? Does God really care about the nuances of Jewish practice? Doesn’t the concept of “Jewish chosenness” seem racist? How can we relate to a loving and caring God amid the experience of tragedy and suffering? How do we reconcile compelling evidence for evolution and the age of the universe with a Bible that tells a different story? Is it even possible to develop a relationship with a God I cannot perceive with my five senses?

“People often deal with such issues by going on the defense,” Chabad of West Orange Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz said. “In this course we stay away from that. Instead, we embrace the challenges wholeheartedly and seek a broader context through which to understand the issues.”

Interested students may call 973-325-6311 or visit www.chabadwestorange.com/jli for registration and for other course-related information.