Edythe “Edie” Mintz Edythe Mintz

Edythe “Edie” Mintz Edythe Mintz, formerly of Bloomfield, passed away at home on June 29th 2019 at age 96 in Florida where she lived for the last 5 years.
She moved to Bloomfield when she got married in 1956. She was born in Brooklyn, NY on Jan. 9th 1923.
She loved doing crosswords puzzles and has many Masterpoints in the game of bridge. Points awarded by bridge organizations to individuals for success in competitive bridge tournaments run under their umbrella.
She was the treasurer of her chapter of Hadassah in Bloomfield for many years. She also was a member of ORT and Bnai Brith.
She held a big party when her cousin, Sarah Hughes won the GOLD MEDAL in the Olympic for Figure Skating in 2002
She leaves a daughter named Susan who lives in Florida.
The funeral and shiva took place in Florida.