Deanna McIntosh is the Belleville Athlete of the Month

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BELLEVILLE, NJ — Deanna McIntosh, a senior shortstop-third baseman on the Belleville High School softball team, is the Belleville Post’s Athlete of the Month,

The following is a Q&A with McIntosh:

Q: What got you interested in playing softball?

A: When I was younger, I was watching a Yankee game with my dad. Nick Swisher was up to bat and BOOM, home run!!!! And I started cheering and I said to my dad that I want to be just like that when I’m older, and from then on, we knew that was my passion!

Q: What are your favorite memories of playing softball for Belleville High?

A: Some of my favorite memories from playing for Belleville would be the amazing friends I made along the way and the great coaches I had (during) my four years of playing and the accomplishments I made and acknowledgement from opposing coaches. 

Q: What is your favorite subject in school?

A: English.

Q: What are your plans for the summer?

A: I will be playing my last season with my travel team and getting ready for college.

Q: Who are your role models and why?

A: My two biggest role models would be my mom, because ever since I was little, she worked so hard to give my sister and I the opportunities to get better and make new accomplishments and even if she wouldn’t be able to make it to a game, I know she was always watching on gamechanger at her desk at work. And my dad, because he has helped me strive in softball and has taught me everything I know and I wouldn’t be here today without him!

Q: What advice would you give to a young girl who wants to play softball?

A: The advice that I would give to a little girl who wants to play softball is to be the best she can be on the field no matter what, to play her heart out until the end, and after the game, if she can look in the mirror and say she played her best, then she shouldn’t be discouraged.

Photos Courtesy of Diane Estrada