Irvington HS indoor boys and girls track teams excel at meets

From left, junior Sharifa Trocard, sophomore Belouna Dieujuste, and seniors Haaj Jones and Zyasia Flythe pose together after taking sixth place in the girls’ shuttle hurdle relay event for Irvington High School at the Marine Corps Holiday Classic at the 168th Street Armory in New York City on Saturday, Dec. 28. They competed against teams from Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

IRVINGTON, NJ  — The Irvington High School girls’ shuttle hurdle relay team took sixth place at the Marine Corps Holiday Classic at the 168th Street Armory in New York City on Saturday, Dec. 28.

They competed against teams from Connecticut, New York, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania.

The IHS runners on the unit were junior Sharifa Trocard, sophomore Belouna Dieujuste, and seniors Haaj Jones and Zyasia Flythe.

At the Hispanic Games at the Armory on Saturday, Jan. 4, the girls 4×200 novice team took sixth place and the boys novice 800-meter relay took third place.

Photo Courtesy of Barnes Reid