Trainers show passion to help West Orange HS athletes

Palatianos and Sivo bring vast experience as they embody essence of athletic training

West Orange HS athletic trainers Ashley Sivo, left, and Gene Palatianos.

WEST ORANGE, NJ — In the heart of West Orange High School, two unsung heroes reign supreme: Gene Palatianos and Ashley Sivo. 

As National Athletic Training Month takes center stage, we shine the spotlight on these dynamic athletic trainers, whose passion and dedication fuel the spirit of the game.

With 26 years of experience in the trenches, Palatianos embodies the essence of athletic training. From his roots at Kean University to the halls of West Orange High School, Palatianos’ journey is one of relentless dedication and commitment. 

For Palatianos, the thrill lies not in the victories on the field, but in the triumphs of his athletes’ recovery journeys. From the weight room to the sidelines, his presence is felt — a beacon of strength and resilience for those in need.

Sivo is a force to be reckoned with in her own right. 

With nine years of experience under her belt, Sivo’s journey from Seton Hall University to WOHS is a testament to her passion for the craft. 

For Sivo, the joy of athletic training lies in the moments of redemption — when sidelined athletes rise from injury, their determination burns brighter than ever before.

In a playful homage to their craft, Palatianos and Sivo partnered with the West Orange High School Sports Media Association and took to social media to showcase the quirks and nuances of life as athletic trainers at WOHS. From the legendary “best ice” to the ever-present Automated External Defibrillator by their side, their Instagram escapade captures the essence of their profession — a delicate balance of professionalism and camaraderie, where every detail matters. Automated External Defibrillator is a medical device that can analyze a person’s heart rhythm and deliver an electrical shock to help restore a normal heartbeat. AEDs are used to help people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

During National Athletic Training Month, let us raise an extra toast to Palatianos, Sivo and all the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes. Theirs is a world of grit and determination, where victory is measured, not in touchdowns or goals, but in the resilience of the human spirit. 

So here’s to you, Palatianos and Sivo — the silent guardians of the game, whose dedication keeps our athletes safe, healthy and ready to conquer the world, one game at a time.

Photos Courtesy of West Orange High School Sports Media Association