Outreaching into closets and cupboards

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Members of the Outreach Committee at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Maplewood gathered a truckload of gently used children’s clothing and household goods earlier this month to help stock the thrift store at Holy Trinity Church in West Orange. Available for sale, the donations help provide essential services for neighbors of Holy […]

SOMSD fine arts spring calendar

MAPLEWOOD / SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — The South Orange-Maplewood School District recently released its spring fine arts calendar. Events are as follows: Monday, April 3, from 10 to 11 a.m., Columbia High School choir Canens Vocem will perform at Winchester Gardens, 333 Elmwood Ave. in Maplewood. Wednesday, April 19, from 5 to 10 p.m., Columbia […]

First Friends information meeting packs church

First Friends information meeting packs church

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — On Tuesday, Feb. 7, St. George’s Church in Maplewood held an informational meeting for prospective volunteers for First Friends, an organization that provides, according to their brochure, “dignity and compassion for immigrants” through visitation, advocacy, education and providing care to released detainees. The church was packed with people from different religions interested […]

The young helping the even younger

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Four middle school students from the Youth Group at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Maplewood scoured the aisles at Target earlier this month, hunting best buys on baby food and toiletries for needy mothers at the North Porch Women and Infants Center. Armed with a $300 Outreach grant, Jessica Bullis-Martinez, Phoebe Hill, […]