BLOOMFIELD, NJ — The Lion Gate tract was recently considered by PSE&G as an area to store vehicles and equipment while while work on gas mains in the area was under way, but the company has decided to look elsewhere for a site. According to company spokeswoman Karen Johnson, PSE&G was considering the tract as a […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — Bloomfield Public Safety Director Sam DeMaio is warning residents that theft is one crime that spikes during the holiday season, and he advises anyone having a package delivered to make certain someone is at the final destination to accept it. Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving when shoppers go online for sales […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — A theater troupe from the George Street Playhouse came to Watsessing Elementary School on Friday, Dec. 1. Four performers and a stage manager/sound engineer presented an age-appropriate musical comedy, “Austin the Unstoppable.” This was a 45-minute show about the importance of making healthy eating and recreational decisions. The troupe has been touring the […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — The Bloomfield Center Alliance will have a Holiday Pop-Up Space at 78 Washington St. for shoppers this Saturday, Dec. 9. A pop-up is an unused retail space being used temporarily by an outside concern for any number of attractions. This past summer, the BCA used the same Washington Street space as an art […]
GLEN RIDGE, NJ — The holiday season began officially in Glen Ridge this past Sunday, Dec. 3, with the 60th annual holiday tree lighting on the Town Hall lawn and a singing performance by the Gas Lamp Players under the direction of Kristy Graves. The tree is a Norway spruce adorned with 7,525 lights, according to […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — Prognosticators of the weather are offering conflicting forecasts for the coming months. Some say it will be a mild winter, while others promise plenty of snow and frigid temperatures. But Anthony Nesto, director of the Bloomfield Department of Public Works and Parks, has heard it all. And he also checks with another authority […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — She sang at the fifth annual Bloomfield Most Talented Competition on Tuesday, Nov. 21. And although not a finalist, Carteret Elementary School third-grader Zoe Love deserved a prize for a little girl’s triumph over adversity. The competition, hosted by the Bloomfield Cultural Commission at Bloomfield High School, attracted 31 elementary, high school […]
GLEN RIDGE, NJ — Forty years ago this coming week, on Saturday, Dec. 3, 1977, the Glen Ridge High School football team won the Section 2 Group 1 state championship by defeating Kenilworth High School, 18-12. Histories of the event have recorded that GRHS students who witnessed a thrilling comeback to cap the victory cheered themselves […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — The Bloomfield High School Key Club held its annual Thanksgiving luncheon for seniors on Tuesday, Nov. 21, in the high school cafeteria. Thanksgiving has to be the most traditional holiday on the calendar and as in past years, Key Club members, with the assistance of Builders Club members from the middle school, […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — The state Department of Education has denied the application for a charter school in Bloomfield. The name of the school was to have been the Bloomfield and East Orange Conservatory Charter School and it was intended to serve a middle-school population from the Bloomfield and East Orange school districts. DOE Commissioner Kimberly Harrington […]