History club in national championship

History club in national championship

Beginner’s luck? Not likely. But the Glen Ridge High School History Club, composed of seventh- and eighth-graders, after their first-ever inter-school competitions, are now poised to compete in the national championships this May. They qualified by finishing second in the state championship, held at Ridgewood High School, on Jan. 20. For good measure, they then […]

Bloomfield Teacher of the Year

Bloomfield Teacher of the Year

Mairead Chern, the Fairview Elementary School Teacher of the Year, has also been named Bloomfield Public School Teacher of the Year. A language arts interventionist, Chern is Bloomfield born and raised, graduating from Bloomfield High School, in 1991. She lived on East Passaic Avenue. (Her given name is Gallic and her parents were born in […]

Officer pulls boy from freezing waters

Officer pulls boy from freezing waters

By chance, a tragedy that would have reverberated through the township for years instead ended with the prospects of a 10-year-old boy explaining to his mother how he managed to come home, after an afternoon with friends, jacketless, swaddled in a blanket and soaked to the bone. “Dispatch got a call from a neighbor with […]

BHS thespians take on ‘Alice by Heart’

BHS thespians take on ‘Alice by Heart’

The recently concluded Bloomfield High School Thespian Society production of “Alice By Heart” is a story about conflicting territories. One territory is the subterranean shelter for English children fleeing their city streets during the Nazi bombardment blitz of London during World War II. The second territory is in the mind of Alice Spenser, a child […]

Troupe is dancing into the future

Troupe is dancing into the future

Celeste Varricchio, the founder and director of the Mosaic Dance Theater Co., said federal funding cuts will not affect her troupe and the National Endowment for the Arts wants art organizations to develop programming for the upcoming U.S. semiquincentennial. “But diversity, equality and inclusive programming is ineligible for federal funding,” she said. “They want programming […]

Carteret hosts Gallery of Heroes

Carteret hosts Gallery of Heroes

Black History Month is currently being observed at Carteret Elementary School with student posters taped in hallways and classroom doors showing the familiar faces of Martin Luther King, Jr., Colin Powell and Rosa Parks. But the times, they are a-changin’ and consequently new faces and unknowns are breaking into the historic lineup pictured. Who is […]

Library hosts plant swap for gardeners

Library hosts plant swap for gardeners

With this especially cold winter hardly moving toward spring and daffodils, the Glen Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee gave Mr. Jack Frost a much needed kick in the pants to vamoose by holding its first ever plant swap Saturday, Feb. 15. The modest yet enthusiastic event was held at the public library in a first-floor room. […]

Educators keep an eye on Washington

Educators keep an eye on Washington

Cutbacks of federal agencies are underway in Washington, D.C. and although nothing has been done yet, the Department of Education is not being overlooked. Regarding education, the current administration advocates that states would better serve the nation’s children than the federal government and believes school funding should be controlled by states. Consequently, at the local […]

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