Get your 2018 Maplewood dog and cat licenses

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Save yourself a trip; go to the Maplewood Township webpage for “Animal Licenses” at Complete and print out the form and mail it in, along with your payment, a copy of your rabies vaccination certificate and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Mail forms to: Maplewood Health Department, 574 Valley St., Maplewood NJ […]

Imam still looking for a new home for mosque

IRVINGTON, NJ — Imam W. Deen Shareef of Masjid Waarith ud Deen in Newark operated the Waris Cultural Center out of the building at 62 Howard St. in the South Ward for years, thanks to support from D. Bilal Beasley, a fellow Muslim and former Irvington Municipal Council president. Beasley also served as an Essex […]

Jenna Bush Hager brings NCJW audience to laughter and tears

LIVINGSTON, NJ — An enthusiastic crowd of 600 people attended the NCJW/Essex opening event on Oct. 25 at Brooklake Country Club, featuring Jenna Bush Hager, teacher, author and journalist. Hager discussed her work as a teacher in Baltimore and working in Latin America where she learned about the power of education “to change lives and […]

County honors Belleville resident

BELLEVILLE, NJ — Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo Jr. hosted the county’s annual Latino Heritage Celebration on Thursday, Sept. 28, in the Essex County Hall of Records in Newark. With an array of colorful flags representing 22 Latino countries as the backdrop, DiVincenzo led a spirited celebration to pay homage to the rich culture and […]

County honors residents, celebrate Italian-American Heritage Month

NEWARK, NJ — Decorated in the festive Italian colors of red, white and green, the Hall of Records lobby was a standing-room only backdrop for cultural festivities on Monday, Oct. 30, as Essex County celebrated Italian-American Heritage Month. During the cultural event, Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo Jr. recognized Bloomfield Mayor Michael Venezia, Belleville community […]

From West Orange to the stars

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Astronaut Scott Kelly, 1982 Mountain High School graduate, is an American hero. Originally from West Orange, he started from humble beginnings. “If I was in school today, I would have been the kid that was diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. I would spend more time looking out the window or looking […]