Free and reduced meals offered at child care center

IRVINGTON, NJ — The Love and Laughter Child Care Center, 1200 Clinton Ave., Suite 110, Irvington, has announced sponsorship of the Child Care Food Program. This is a federally funded program that reimburses sponsoring agencies that provide healthy meals and snacks at no charge to children enrolled in licensed or approved dare-care facilities. Meals are […]

Irvington poet enthralls at tribute to King

Irvington poet enthralls at tribute to King

IRVINGTON, NJ — The Irvington Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Committee’s 32nd annual Legacy of a Dream Commemorative Tribute to the Life and Work of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Irvington High School auditorium on Saturday, Jan. 14, featured a reading by Irvington poet Craig Garner, in addition to performances by the Irvington […]

NCGW to hold annual Harambee breakfast

NEWARK, NJ — The National Council of Negro Women, Section of the Oranges, will celebrate its 34th Harambee breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Metropolitan Baptist Church, 149 Springfield Ave. in Newark. The breakfast’s theme is “Keeping the Lights On: Education, Activism and Sisterhood,” with guest speaker Maretta J. […]

Irvington well-represented at East Orange’s reorganization

Irvington well-represented at East Orange’s reorganization

EAST ORANGE, NJ — Irvington Township was well-represented at the East Orange City Council’s annual reorganization meeting Monday, Jan. 2, inside Council Chambers in East Orange, where 3rd Ward Councilman Ted Green was once again chosen by his council colleagues to serve as chairman. The presence of so many Irvington elected officials and township employees […]

Mayor joins Hilltop Partners and hosts Job and Contractor Fair

IRVINGTON, NJ — Mayor Tony Vauss, who has used branding and social media to get his message out about the “New Irvington,” recently broadcast the Dec. 6 Job and Contractor Fair organized by his administration in partnership with IHOP owner Adenah Bayoh and her fellow Hilltop Partners developer, Matt Gross. “Today, we’re hosting our first-ever […]

Mayor now supports freeholder president’s S.U.N. initiative

IRVINGTON, NJ — Two years ago, when Mayor Tony Vauss was running for office, some beleaguered homeowners wanted him to take the suggestion from a nonprofit group to use Irvington’s eminent domain powers to take mortgages back from the banks and lenders threatening to foreclose on them. Although this may have helped struggling homeowners keep […]