‘From Farm to Suburb: The Birth of College Hill’

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — If you live in the College Hill section of Maplewood or the surrounding area, you may have wondered how this neighborhood came to be. It wasn’t always a suburban community and didn’t always feature streets named for famous colleges: Amherst, Bowdoin, Colgate, Harvard, Oberlin, Rutgers, Wellesley and Yale. In fact, the moniker […]

Post office site project moves forward

Following asbestos abatement, JMF Properties closer to demolishing Maplewood Ave. building

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — While the redevelopment of the former post office site in Maplewood Village has been a topic of conversation for years, the first step in actually demolishing the current building and erecting a mixed-use building has now been taken. According to documents released by the township, Maplewood Redevelopers LLC, a subsidiary of JMF Properties, […]

Haggis, kilts and all-around good time at Burns Night

MAPLEWOOD/SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Two South Orange-Maplewood School District parents turned a Scottish tradition into an opportunity to benefit the local nonprofit Achieve Foundation, raising more than $3,500 through a Burns Night celebration at the Woodland in Maplewood on Feb. 6. Piers and Adrienne MacWhannell brought the customary festivity honoring renowned Scottish poet Robert Burns to […]

Securing funding for Rahway River Flood Mitigation Plan

Photo Courtesy of Vic DeLuca MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Maplewood Mayor Vic DeLuca joined members of the Mayors Council on a Feb. 10 trip to Washington, D.C., to help secure funding for the Rahway River Flood Mitigation Plan. Meeting with N.J. Sen. Robert Menendez, center, are, from left, Rahway Mayor Sam Steinman, Union Mayor Manuel Figueiredo, […]

Tree removal in Ricalton Square Park

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — On or about Tuesday, Feb. 16, a large dead tree in Ricalton Square Park is scheduled to be removed. The location and size of the tree will necessitate bringing in a crane to assist in the work. Please be advised that during the morning commute, parking spaces on the south side of […]

Juan Picasso at 1978

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Gallery 1978 presents its Black History Month artist Juan Antonio Picasso in an exhibit that runs from Feb. 13 through March 20. There will be an opening reception Sunday, Feb. 14, from 2 to 6 p.m. Picasso, an Afro­-Cuban relative of Pablo Picasso, is from Havana, Cuba. He is one of 40 […]

Adult School spring semester

SOUTH ORANGE / MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Catalogs are out and registration is under way for spring classes at The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School. Highlights include “Likely Stories: Actors and Short Stories Onstage” on Monday, March 28. Formerly known as “Celebrity Readings,” this is an evening of storytelling inspired by Isaiah Sheffer’s “Selected Shorts” at Symphony […]

SOMA students exceed PARCC averages

School district releases results from first-ever PARCC exams, local students outperform peers

MAPLEWOOD/SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — South Orange and Maplewood students who took last year’s Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers exam scored higher on average on most subject tests than the average set by New Jersey students and students from the PARCC consortium, consisting of 11 states and District of Columbia at the time […]

ECLC families travel ’round the world at South Mountain Y

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Local families were able to take a trip around the globe without ever leaving New Jersey, thanks to the eighth annual World Festival at the South Mountain YMCA on Parker Avenue in Maplewood on Saturday, Jan. 30. The event, held in South Mountain’s Early Childhood Learning Center, is designed to celebrate the many […]

Indoor farmers market returns on Super Bowl Sunday

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Feb. 6 may be Super Bowl Sunday, but the real crowd-pleaser that day will be the Slow Food Northern Jersey and Maplewood Loves Wellness-sponsored winter farmers market, from noon to 4 p.m., at the Woodland on Woodland Road in Maplewood. With its wide variety of local products and contributions to community causes, the […]