Seven-year-old Cheyanne Rogers, right, stands with a classmate who also attended the Mildred Barry Garvin Elementary School Spring Fling dance on Thursday, June 15, while her mother, Crystal Rogers, not pictured, holds the balloons. Rogers and the other MBG students that participated in the Spring Fling as a reward for their high academic achievements during the 2016-2017 school year.
EAST ORANGE, NJ — The month of June is prom time for students at the high schools and middle schools in East Orange; now, thanks to the Mildred Barry-Garvin School, that includes elementary school students, too.
Cheyanne Rogers, 7, and the other Mildred Barry-Garvin School students had their first taste of donning formal wear on Thursday, June 15, when they got all dressed up and went to the school’s Spring Fling.
“Today, they had a Spring Fling for the first grade,” said Cheyanne’s mother, Crystal Rogers, on Thursday, June 15. “You had to have great behavior to be invited. My favorite part was the candy bar — the candy table.”
Cheyanne said the Mildred Barry-Garvin School Spring Fling was her first prom, and she enjoyed it and looks for many more to come in the future.
“I think it was good,” said Cheyanne. “Everything was good. My favorite subject in school is learning and I want to be a doctor and a pastor when I grow up. I’m going to go to the pool and go on vacation, now that school is over for the summer.”
Cutie Pie’s parents, Crystal and Corey, said they were pleased and proud that their daughter had a chance to attend her first prom, but they said the best thing about it was the fact that it wasn’t just a purely social event; it was part of their education and learning process.
“Our teacher is Miss Chambers and Miss Muriel was also a great help; she’s the other first-grade teacher,” said Crystal. “I was a little nervous but, when I heard it was invite-only, I was happy to send her for good behavior. She definitely deserves to be rewarded and she’s my straight-A student all year long.”
Corey, on the other hand, said he also liked the academic excellence aspect of the Spring Fling prom, even though it was great to see his daughter all dressed up for the occasion.
“I think this was cool,” he said Thursday, June 15. “It’s the first time I experienced it, as a dad. I never experienced it as a kid, so it was pretty cool to bring the kids together and let them have fun. It was really for the kids that had high honors or did really well, as far as the semester. It’s a reward for awards, as far as I’m concerned. We appreciate it and they appreciate it. It makes them feel special, so it’s a good thing.”