Glen Ridge celebrates Night Out at the pool

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GLEN RIDGE, NJ — Glen Ridge observed National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 6, at the community pool. Police Chief Sheila Byron-Lagatutta said the borough has been celebrating the event for at least 28 years.

“It’s evolved over the years,” she said. “We look for the best place to get the people together.”
Tables were set up inside the parking lot and the pool was open to all during the event. With the chief was Georgia Nix, a Ridgewood Avenue fifth-grader who was the honorary chief. Byron-Lagatutta said this was the fourth year the event was held at the pool. For 15 years, the event had taken place at different venues around town.

National Night Out, first observed nationally in 1984 by 2.5 million people in 23 states, has grown to encompass all 50 states. The event is promoted as a way to bring residents and police together to make neighborhoods safer and more livable.
—Photos, text by Daniel Jackovino