Irvington NAN Chapter partners with others to feed the needy

IRVINGTON, NJ — The Irvington National Action Network Chapter joined forces with Bridges Outreach Inc., the High Rollaz motorcycle club, the Rotary Club, Municipal Council Vice President Renee Burgess and Alison Bryant of the CWU Food Pantry of Irvington to feed the hungry in D. Bilal Beasley Square on Sunday, July 14.

“It was a great event,” Hudley said July 15. “All the volunteers came out and had a good time and we helped a lot of people in need.”

Hudley’s NAN members said they were glad they had a chance to help the homeless and needy.

“I truly enjoyed preparing and helping to feed the homeless this morning,” said one NAN member on July 14. “I was also pleased to see how organized the event was, and the smiles and gratefulness the recipients expressed as they passed by the tables to receive what had been prepared for them. My heart is bubbling over right now.”

Hudley, Burgess, Bryant and other volunteers gave out soup, lemonade, sandwiches, fruit, toiletries and T-shirts at the event. All items handed out had been donated by the organizers and volunteers.

And it was all much appreciated by everyone who participated in the event.

“These are the acts of kindness God wants us to have and do towards our brothers and sisters daily,” another NAN member said July 14. “After all, that is what we are to each other through Christ.”

To learn more about the Irvington NAN Chapter, call 973-399-1162.

Photos Courtesy of October Hudley