Orange Early Childhood Education Center Principal Jacquelyn Blanton holds a flier for the Preschool Registration Fair scheduled for Saturday, March 17, at 10 a.m. at the facility at 390 Park Ave.
ORANGE, NJ — The Orange School District will host an Early Childhood Education Registration Fair on Saturday, March 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Orange Early Childhood Center, 397 Park Ave.
“It’s very important, because we need all of the families in Orange that have children that will be ages 3 to 4 years old by Oct. 1 for September registration and September enrollment,” said Orange Early Childhood Center Principal Jacqueline Blanton on Monday, March 12. “It’s important because, as the researchers say, children starting kindergarten in urban areas are already behind and, if we get them now, we can help them catch up. In some cases, we need them to be able to come to school, get them prepared in a high-quality environment with teachers who are certified, who are well-experienced and ready for them. We have the environment, we have the teachers; the only thing we need are the students. If we can get the students, then we can begin to close that achievement gap that exists.”
According to Blanton and other school officials, Orange Early Childhood Center will be registering eligible students and families up to the last minute on Saturday, March 17, so parents should arrive as soon as possible. Any child being registered must be 3 or 4 years old by Oct. 1, 2018; they must be resident of Orange Township; and parents need to bring proof of residency, identification and eligibility to participate, including an original birth certificate; child’s immunization record; current lease or mortgage statement; two additional proofs of residency, such as a PSE&G bill, telephone or cable bill; and a picture ID of the parent.
“The last sign-in is 1 p.m.,” said interim Superintendent of Schools Ron Lee on Monday, March 12. “The Orange Board of Education provides a full-day preschool education for all 3- and 4-year-old residents of Orange. There is no fee for the school day, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Before- and after-school care is available. The fee for this additional program is based upon income eligibility.”
Lee went on to state that, at the Registration Fair, staff will give an overview of the Early Childhood Program and on-site registration will be completed for parents who bring the required documentation. For more information about the Orange Early Childhood Center Registration Fair, call 973-395-8958.
“During this time in a child’s life, the brain is developing rapidly … and we need for them to have those positive experiences, positive interactions with their peers, in order for them to make those brain connections and in order for them to be able to close that achievement gap, moving forward and being successful in kindergarten,” said Blanton. “So our registration is important. We have the tools, we have the school, we have the staff. We need the children. I know, culturally, sometimes parents believe that 3-year-olds need to be at home but, again, we’re already starting behind, so we need them to come to school. It’s never too young to start. They don’t have to be potty trained; we will help them do that. Some people think that they need to speak English. That is not the case. This is an environment that is warm and welcoming and we will help them get those skills. We just need them here, so that we can get them to where they need to be.”