MAPLEWOOD, NJ — At its Jan. 1 reorganization meeting, the Maplewood Township Committee welcomed Committeeman Frank McGehee, who was sworn in for a three-year term. McGehee joins Mayor Vic DeLuca, Deputy Mayor Nancy Adams, India Larrier and Greg Lembrich on the committee.
“Collaborating with my fellow Township Committee members, I look forward to continuing the work of reaching across the geographical aisle and exploring service and process opportunities with South Orange, Union, Irvington, Millburn and Newark; working with our town administrator and team to make sure that our vendors provide the highest quality of service for our community; working with our town engineer and law enforcement to keep moving forward the process with state administrators of improving the traffic flows for our student pedestrians, commuter pedestrians, our stay-at-home parent or caregiver pedestrians, our seniors pedestrians, our visiting pedestrians,” McGehee said. “The safety and well-being of people who walk throughout our town matters.
“(I look forward to) continuing to push the conversation of diversity and inclusion, so our committees, PTA boards, neighborhood block parties, our employees, and our residents reflect this vision and no one can say that this is just an ideation,” McGehee continued, adding that he plans to work to ensure “our infrastructure is prepared to absorb the growth and evolution of being a town of desirable residence and not lose Maplewoodians in its path that make up the essence of our community.”
McGehee added that he wants Maplewood “to be in forefront of the conversion of environmental action and education, with education being a key driver so that our community is aware of the many quick wins that they can perform in their daily lives. Like most assets, an investment in sustainability for our town will provide a great return for the future of Maplewood.”
At the meeting, the committee also appointed its members to the township’s standing committees. Chairwoman Larrier, DeLuca and Adams will serve on the Code Enforcement Committee; Chairman Lembrich, Larrier and McGehee on the Communications Committee; Chairman DeLuca, Adams and Lembrich on the Economic Development Committee; Chairwoman Adams and DeLuca on the Engineering, Public Works and Planning Committee; Chairman DeLuca and McGehee on the Finance Committee; Chairman Lembrich, DeLuca and Larrier on the Public Safety Committee; and Chairman McGehee, Lembrich and Larrier on the Recreation and Human Services Committee.
Committee members were also appointed to serve as committee liaisons to various boards and groups. DeLuca will liaise with Affordable Housing, the Arts Council, the Board of Education and Two Towns, the Burgdorff, Community Garden, Durand-Hedden House, Fire Department Shared Services, Holocaust Remembrance, the Office of Emergency Management, SOMA TV, the Springfield Avenue Special Improvement District and the Sustainability Committee.
Adams will liaise with the Open Space Trust Advisory, Planning Board and Village Alliance Special Improvement District. Larrier will liaise with the Drug Alliance, the Historic Preservation Commission, the Local Assistance Board, the Office of Emergency Management with DeLuca and the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. Lembrich will liaise with the Board of Education and Two Towns with DeLuca, Recreation Advisory and Swimming Pool Advisory. And McGehee will liaise with the Community Coalition on Race, Environmental Advisory, Fire Department Shared Services with DeLuca, First Night, the Green Team and YouthNet.