Seniors hang out and do what they want

Seniors hang out and do what they want

A senior group so brand new that it does not even have a name yet is currently meeting at the Oakeside Cultural Center on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, noon to 3 p.m. An outreach program run by the Bloomfield Department of Human Service, but also open to non-residents, it is a fully democratic endeavor whereby […]

West Orange celebrates its seniors

West Orange celebrates its seniors

  The West Orange Department of Senior Services celebrated Older Americans Month in May with lunches, karaoke, painting and pickleball. The kickoff event was a festive Cinco de Mayo themed luncheon including karaoke at the Oko Fine Cuisine restaurant located in downtown West Orange. A spring café was held at the West Orange Public Library […]

JFS launches new older adult case management services

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — Jewish Family Service of MetroWest NJ older adult case management is a free program that focuses on the unique needs of each person to help older adults adjust to life changes and plan for their futures. This new program is made possible by a donation from Carrie and Jed Nussbaum, of […]

West Orange mayoral candidates debate the issues

West Orange mayoral candidates debate the issues

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Election season in West Orange began on Sept. 28, when the four candidates running for mayor participated in a debate at United Presbyterian Church. Hosted by the West Orange African Heritage Organization, United Asian Voices of West Orange and West Orange Hispanic Foundation, the debate was moderated by the League of […]

West Orange residents compete at trivia night at the library

West Orange residents compete at trivia night at the library

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Public Library hosted a West Orange–themed trivia night on Thursday, Sept. 29, sponsored by a collaborative effort between the West Orange Woman’s Club and West Orange Senior Services. The contest featured 50 questions relating to town history and prepared by township historian Joseph Fagan, who emceed the event. […]

29 senior citizens receive recognition for their artistic talent in Essex County

29 senior citizens receive recognition for their artistic talent in Essex County

CEDAR GROVE, NJ — Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo Jr. congratulated 29 area artists who received awards in the annual Essex County Senior Citizens Juried Art Show. The artists were recognized during an awards ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 15, in the Robert O’Toole Community Center in Cedar Grove Park. “I congratulate the winners and […]

Senior picnic delights West Orange residents

Senior picnic delights West Orange residents

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Senior Picnic was held at the Ginny Duenkel Pool on Sept. 8. DJ Jeff Dunston provided the music and members of the West Orange police and fire departments were on hand to bring hot dogs and hamburgers to residents at their tables. The event had been postponed from […]

AARP selects township of Belleville for a 2022 Community Challenge grant

AARP selects township of Belleville for a 2022 Community Challenge grant

BELLEVILLE, NJ — Belleville has been selected to receive a 2022 AARP Community Challenge grant, making the township one of just eight grantees chosen statewide. The grant will be used to promote walkability, restore neighborhood connectivity and increase community relationships as the town emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. The project will use an underutilized property […]

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