OPS to host sixth annual Orange Dance Festival

ORANGE, NJ — Dance teacher Debbie Rembert and the Orange School District are ready to kick up their heels and put on the sixth annual Orange Dance Festival on Sunday, April 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Lincoln Avenue School, to spotlight the local observance of National Dance Week, which began Monday, April 24.

According to district officials, the lineup for this year’s festival will be as stellar as in the past, when it featured famous dancers such as Vivian Nixon, the daughter of “Fame” TV show dancer Debbie Allen and former L.A. Lakers basketball star Norm Nixon; famed hip-hop and rhythm and blues dance choreographer Sean Bankhead; Carlos Neto; Karen “KB” Brown, and others. This year’s lineup includes: Nixon and Neto once again, plus Charles Smith, April Cook, Wendy McKenzie, Ronald Alexander, Maleek Washington, Ashley Rich, King Jafi Rock, Joanna Numata, Jeremy McQueen, Dorrit Koppel, Keenan Cooks and Miles Keeney.

There is a registration fee for Orange public school students and for out-of-district students. The festival is open to dancers from age 6 to adult and features master classes in ballet, tap, jazz, African, flamenco, contemporary, hip-hop, acting and Zumba, as well as scholarship auditions in front of a college dance panel.

“As usual, there is a fantastic lineup of dance instructors scheduled, offering workshops for children and adults,” said Rembert on Tuesday, April 25. “Two featured artists will surely be known … Jayla Marie from ‘The Rap Game’ and King Jafi Rock. Refreshments will be sold. Bring your own lunch.”

To register for the annual Dance Festival, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/6th-annual-orange-dance-festival-tickets-33648129461?aff=ehomecard to register early.

For more information, contact Rembert at 973-677-4124 or at remberde@orange.k12.nj.us.