B’nai Shalom hosts in-person concert for seniors

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WEST ORANGE, NJ — Seniors from West Orange and neighboring communities gathered for an outdoor concert, co-sponsored by Homewatch CareGivers, the Margulies Senior Center of the Jewish Community Center and B’nai Shalom’s Hazak Seniors group, on Tuesday, Oct. 6. 

This is the first time that many of these seniors have come together for an in-person program since March. Everyone was thrilled to be out on a beautiful day, seeing friends they had not seen in many months and enjoying the musical entertainment performed by The Perfect Duo Plus One, aka Mark and Cindy Slotnick. It was a fun afternoon, as the audience clapped along to favorites from the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s and some were even dancing on the sidelines. Of course, attention was paid to keeping everyone wearing face masks and seats were sufficiently spaced apart in the B’nai Shalom’s parking lot.

The idea for the concert was initiated by Randi Brokman of Homewatch CareGivers, a home health care agency that often sponsors events for seniors at the JCC in West Orange. In collaboration with Gina Goldman of the Margulies Senior Center at the JCC and Leslie Gleaner of B’nai Shalom, a comfortable and safe setting was provided for this wonderful afternoon of gathering and musical entertainment, bringing needed joy to local seniors.

Photos Courtesy of Arbell Noach