Holocaust survivor Fran Malkin shares story with RMS students

Holocaust survivor Fran Malkin shares story with RMS students

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Roosevelt Middle School students were mesmerized by the gripping story of Holocaust survivor Feyge “Fran” Malkin on May 15. Malkin, now 79, is a longtime West Orange resident. Her cousin, Judy Maltz, a filmmaker who worked on “No. 4 Street of Our Lady,” a documentary of the family’s ordeal during the […]

Towns cry ‘never again’ as united front

South Orange, Maplewood commemorate Holocaust victims, survivors at annual interfaith event

Towns cry ‘never again’ as united front

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The uplifting ambience was augmented by the pleasant weather on Sunday, April 23, as the South Orange-Maplewood community marched to remember Holocaust victims, honor survivors, and disseminate messages of unity and acceptance. While marches are a frequent occurrence across the country amid the current political climate, the South Orange-Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance […]

Area teen organizes event to remember the heroes of the Holocaust

WEST ORANGE, NJ — More than 200 people filled the theater at JCC MetroWest last week for a Holocaust Remembrance Day presentation with guest speaker Robert Bielsky. Bielsky is the youngest son of the legendary partisan commander Tuvia Bielsky who saved more than 1,200 Jewish lives during the Holocaust and was portrayed by Daniel Craig […]

Local residents learn about the horrors of the Holocaust

Local residents learn about the horrors of the Holocaust

WASHINGTON, DC — The South Orange-Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Committee sponsored an April 18 trip to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial for 50 students, their teachers and guests, including two Holocaust survivors, who shared their testimony on the way to Washington, D.C. This trip was […]

TBA Congregational Learning presents series about Holocaust

LIVINGSTON, NJ — On Thursdays, May 11, 18 and 25, at 7 p.m., at Temple B’nai Abraham, 300 E. Northfield Road, Livingston, TBA Congregational Learning will present “The Holocaust: The Machinery of Mass Murder,” led by Jill Tejeda. A lifelong temple member and Holocaust scholar, Tejeda is a history teacher at Livingston High School; her […]

‘Remember and Tell,’ SOMA commemorates the Holocaust

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The 40th annual South Orange-Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service will take place Sunday, April 23, at the Morrow Memorial Methodist Church, 600 Ridgewood Road in Maplewood. The event at the church begins at 3 p.m., though it is preceded by a March of Remembrance at 2 p.m., which assembles at Ricalton Square […]

Shandler discusses ‘The Media and The Holocaust’ at TBA

LIVINGSTON, NJ — On Feb. 15 Temple B’nai Abraham’s 2017 Bloom Lecture Series offered perspectives on the media and the Holocaust with a lecture on “The Anne Frank Phenomenon” led by professor Jeffrey Shandler, chair of the Department of Jewish Studies at Rutgers University. Shandler’s first lecture explored “The Anne Frank Phenomenon.” One of the […]

Involved West Orange resident, architect Gurland dies at 81

Community will miss Gurland, his work and personality

Involved West Orange resident, architect Gurland dies at 81

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Gerald Gurland, noted architect and longtime member of West Orange’s Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Board, died at the age of 81 on Feb. 2. Gurland played a consistent role in maintaining the character of West Orange for more than 20 years, initially as member of the Planning Board’s board of […]

‘The Media and the Holocaust’ at TBA

LIVINGSTON, NJ — On Wednesday, Feb. 15, and Wednesday, March 1, at 7 p.m., Temple B’nai Abraham’s 2017 Bloom Lecture Series will offer perspectives on the Media and the Holocaust with lectures on “The Anne Frank Phenomenon” and “The Holocaust on American Television,” led by professor Jeffrey Shandler, chair of the Bildner Center for Jewish […]