Freeholders approve resolution reducing the speed limit on PVW

WEST ORANGE, NJ — During its Wednesday, Dec. 19, meeting at the Hall of Records in Newark, the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders unanimously approved a resolution consenting to the reduction of the speed limit on Pleasant Valley Way within the vicinity of West Orange High School and Kelly Elementary School. This resolution coincides […]

Mt. Pleasant Ave. in front of Liberty to be school zone

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The Township Council unanimously passed a resolution on Nov. 13 to support the New Jersey State Department of Transportation designating State Highway 10, aka Mt. Pleasant Avenue, as a school zone between the Livingston township line and where it intersects with Kelly Drive and Merklin Avenue, changing the speed limit from […]

Kelly students celebrate International Walk to School Day

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Kelly Elementary School in West Orange joined schools from around the world to celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 10. Approximately 75 students from Kelly Elementary walked from multiple neighborhood meeting points to school along with parents, teachers, the West Orange Police Department and community leaders. A group […]

Township engineer details new road diet

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Municipal engineer Leonard Lepore announced at the July 16 West Orange Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board meeting that the Main Street road diet will include lane, striping and parking changes to slow down traffic and increase road safety in the township. The project, which spans from Park Avenue to Tory Corner on […]

Traffic light at Alisa, PVW is one step closer to completion

WEST ORANGE, NJ — On June 21, Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo Jr. announced plans to install a new traffic signal at the intersection of Pleasant Valley Way and Alisa Drive in West Orange. The upgrades to the intersection will enhance pedestrian and motor vehicle safety near West Orange High School and make it easier […]

LMS 8th-grader champions road safety, brings change

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Pedestrian beacon signals were recently installed on Kelly Drive thanks to the efforts of a Liberty Middle School eighth-grader and a petition he started that amassed 395 signatures in support of the safety measure. Soham Bhatnagar decided to start the initiative while researching a school project on traffic safety. The project […]

Elderly pedestrian hit by motor vehicle on PVW

WEST ORANGE, NJ — An 83-year-old West Orange resident was struck by a car in the area of Pleasant Valley Way and Eagle Rock Avenue on Thursday, Nov. 30, while crossing the street. According to a press release from the town, the accident happened at approximately 6:30 p.m., when the car made a left turn […]

PSAB meets to examine roadway concerns

In emotional meeting, Badlanis, county officers discuss procedures for investigating traffic deaths

PSAB meets to examine roadway concerns

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Pedestrian Safety Advisory Board gathered Thursday, July 13, at the Turtle Back Zoo Education Center to discuss solutions for roadway issues in West Orange to make township roads safer for pedestrians. Most of the board members were in attendance, joined by township residents, as well as Lt. Robert […]