Despite recent shootings, EO celebrates crime reduction

Despite recent shootings, EO celebrates crime reduction

EAST ORANGE, NJ — The East Orange National Night Out celebration took place against the backdrop of a multiple shootings and a homicide in the city that has earned recognition for the historic reductions in crime, which began on the watch of former Mayor Robert Bowser and former police Director Jose Cordero. The bad patch […]

TC votes 4-1 to make deal with Reliable

Reliable to operate recycling center rent-free in exchange for company forgiving the town’s debt

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Township Council voted 4-1 at its Aug. 9 meeting to approve a resolution amending the township’s agreement with Reliable Wood Products LLC, allowing the company to operate the West Orange Recycling Center and Compost Facility rent-free from Oct. 1, 2016, through Sept. 30, 2018, as a means of […]

MFAS disbands, town makes SORS official backup

Maplewood contracts with SO Rescue Squad to be official backup for Maplewood Fire Department

MFAS disbands, town makes SORS official backup

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — At its Aug. 2 meeting, the Maplewood Township Committee voted to contract for emergency medical services with the South Orange Rescue Squad and to pursue leasing out the Maplewood First Aid Squad Headquarters, as the MFAS is now defunct. The Township Committee voted 4-0 — Committeeman Greg Lembrich was absent — to […]

GR Police are currently testing body cameras

GR Police are currently testing body cameras

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — The Glen Ridge Police Department is currently testing body cameras. The instruments are being worn by a number of officers on daytime patrol. According to Capt. Sean Quinn, the pilot program began July 15. He said in September the trial will expand to include a number of officers on night patrols. However, […]

Multiple shootings precede Orange’s National Night Out

ORANGE, NJ — National Night Out in Orange had a darker undertone this year, as it followed a recent instance of multiple shootings and homicides in the city. Such instances in a short span of time are not unique in Orange. The first one this year occurred Thursday, April 14, when Davon Jones, 17, was […]

Proposed advisory board ordinance left off agenda

Public speaks in favor of advisory board

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Councilman Joe Krakoviak and several residents have demanded to know why an ordinance proposing a senior citizens advisory board was not included on the voting agenda during the Aug. 9 Township Council meeting. The ordinance, written by Krakoviak in conjunction with resident senior advocates Rosary Morelli and Leigh-Anne Zaolino, was submitted […]

HPC to be led by new chairman, vice chairwoman

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — The South Orange Historic Preservation Commission has welcomed a new chairman and vice chairwoman; at the Aug. 8 South Orange Board of Trustees meeting, Jacob Levine was promoted to chairman of the HPC and Karen Marlowe to vice chairwoman. Levine will be filling his position’s unexpired term through Dec. 31, 2019, […]

Orange Bridge team finds success in Washington, D.C.

Orange Bridge team finds success in Washington, D.C.

ORANGE, NJ — Orange Public Schools Bridge Team Summer 2016 did an amazing job in the District of Columbia. Seventeen elementary-, middle school- and high school-aged youth traveled to compete in the Youth North American Bridge Competition and 11 are traveling back to Orange with first-place trophies. Two-hundred youth filled a room for three consecutive […]

Bloomfield Police to install 24/7 collection box for pills

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — The township of Bloomfield on Monday, Aug. 15, announced that it has joined the New Jersey Attorney General’s “Project Medicine Drop” initiative, and has installed a stationary prescription medicine drop box at Police Headquarters. Residents may visit Police Headquarters, located at 1 Municipal Plaza, at any time to dispose of their unused […]