Senate action furthers Rahway River flood control initiative

CRANFORD, NJ — The Mayors Council on Rahway River Watershed Flood Control reported in a recent press release that on Sept. 15 the U.S. Senate passed by a 96-4 vote the Federal Water Resources Development Act, which includes a directive to the secretary to expedite the final review and provide pre-construction and engineering funds for […]

‘What does Jewish look like to you?’

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Oheb Shalom Congregation will hold “What does Jewish look like to you? A Kaleidoscope performance” on Sunday, Sept. 25, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the shul, located at 170 Scotland Road in South Orange. “Kaleidoscope” highlights the myriad stories of Jews of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. A light […]

South Orange honors SAGE Eldercare for 50 years of Meals on Wheels

South Orange honors SAGE Eldercare for 50 years of Meals on Wheels

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — South Orange presented a proclamation on Sept. 12 to congratulate SAGE Eldercare for its Meals on Wheels 50th anniversary. SAGE serves approximately 44,000 meals to nearly 250 clients annually in 10 communities, including South Orange. SAGE Eldercare began its Meals on Wheels in October 1966 with funding received from the Summit […]

Grodman fills Brownlee’s vacated TC seat

Former Maplewood Democratic Committee chairman takes TC post, will resume at MDC in 2017

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — At its Sept. 6 meeting, the Maplewood Township Committee appointed former Committeeman Ian Grodman to fill the seat recently vacated by Marlon K. Brownlee. The committee voted 4-0 in favor of Committeeman Greg Lembrich’s motion to have Grodman serve out the rest of Brownlee’s term, which ends Dec. 31. The committee made […]

MMS greets new principal, a CHS alumna

MMS greets  new principal, a CHS alumna

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Dara Gronau, who years ago outran the competition on the Columbia High School track, is coming full circle to lead the administration of Maplewood Middle School as its newest principal; her appointment was approved during an Aug. 22 Board of Education meeting. Gronau earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and English from […]

Until there is a cure, there is Camp Happy Times

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Valerie Fund’s Camp Happy Times, a free one-week overnight camp for children who have or have had cancer is located at the 200-acre Tyler Hill Camp in Wayne County, Pa. The week is designed to encourage independence since, for many campers, ranging in age from 5 to 21, this is their […]

JFS of MetroWest to administer Wise Aging initiative

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — Jewish Family Service of MetroWest has been awarded a grant by the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey to administer a Wise Aging initiative in the MetroWest communities. The program, which is a partnership with 12 local synagogue groups plus the JCC MetroWest, will help Jewish people in their second adulthoods, their […]

‘Un-Common-Place’ at CHS’ Domareki Gallery

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Columbia High School Domareki Gallery is currently showing the exhibit “Un-Common-Place,” featuring the works of Sybil Archibald, Terry Boddie and Russell Christian. The exhibit will run through Sept. 30, and on Friday, Sept. 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., there will be an artists’ reception. The expansiveness of an inner spiritual […]