Golden Circle Seniors discuss health

Mary Ann Hilterhaus and Achamma Chacko at the Glen Ridge Golden Circle Seniors event.
Photos by Daniel Jackovino
Health professionals, from left, Clarissa Soto with Camila Vodery, at the Glen Ridge Golden Circle Seniors event
Pat Rabbitt, Jeannette Mascari and Samantha Finneran at the Glen Ridge Golden Circle Seniors event.

A discussion on health topics for senior citizens was presented to the Glen Ridge Golden Circle Seniors on Wednesday, Dec. 27, at the Glen Ridge train station.

The discussion was a community outreach effort by the Glen Ridge Recreation Department and RWJBarnabas/Clara Maass Health Medical Center. Clarissa Soto, the manager for community outreach for the medical facility, and Camila Vodery, a registered nurse, spoke to a group of about seven senior women.

Fall prevention, depression, medication management and preventive health services were discussed.

The women were informed that an important consideration in the prevention of falls is knowing the side effects of their medications. Also, senior citizens believe that feelings of loneliness are natural to old age but they are not.

Sleeping too much is a tell-tale sign of possible depression, a subject which remains taboo. Depression is more often spotted by a family member or a friend, so it remains important for seniors to remain engaged. Men are also more prone to not seek medical help.

Following the discussion, the seniors played board games with Girl Scout Cadets from Troop 20472.

The recreation department provided a small lunch.