Glen Ridge High School physics teacher Sharon Tully has retired with her last official day of work being Jan. 31. She has been a district teacher since 2008. “I’ve always been at the high school,” she said. “I started teaching in Pleasantville, at the high school, and then in Jersey City for 10 years, also […]
With a Roaring ‘20s federal prohibition warning posted at its door and a 1930 Packard nearby, the Women’s Club of Glen Ridge went all-out Saturday night, Jan. 25, celebrating the centennial of its club house and the blow was the bee’s knees. The soldout event had the imprimatur of the Mayor’s Gala with some 230 […]
GLEN RIDGE — John Leone and Kieran Leiber, juniors at Glen Ridge High School, are showing how leadership and community spirit can go hand in hand. In 2023, they started Athletes for Good (AFG), a co-ed club that brings student-athletes together to give back to their community. After a successful first year, they officially got […]
A day of community service was held at Christ Episcopal Church of Bloomfield and Glen Ridge on Saturday morning, Jan. 18. The annual event, held in observance of Martin Luther King Day, benefitting local charities was initiated in Bloomfield, but the Glen Ridge church, as it often does, opened its doors to neighbors. “Our parish […]
While January is National Blood Donor Month, the Women’s Club of Glen Ridge traditionally has had a blood drive and did Sunday, Jan. 11. The blood was collected by the NY Blood Center and according to Sharon Harms, the chairwoman of the club’s Community Service Department, 67 donors preregistered. She ran the drive with Carmen […]
Mark the 25th of this month on the calendar. That is when the Women’s Club of Glen Ridge, established in 1905, will host the Mayor’s Gala and kick off the centennial of the dedication of its clubhouse. “I think of this building as a big golden ticket for our community,” said Susan Costa, the club […]
Informed that she was conceived through artificial insemination, a borough resident has produced a movie documenting the search for her biological father which is currently being streamed on Amazon Prime, PBS and later this month on Tubi. Titled “Missed Conceptions,” the 87-minute movie was made by Donna Marvin-Platt who was 30 when her mother told […]
For nearly 27 years, as sure as the crocus will poke through the snow, Elisabeth Ginsburg has provided a horticultural column to the readers of this newspaper. Her column, “The Gardener’s Apprentice,” is in the paper today, marking the 1,400th time in 1,401 weeks it has appeared. She says most of the subjects of her […]
Students from Bloomfield and Glen Ridge were honored at Mount St. Dominic Academy for their scores on the Advanced Placement (AP) program exams taken at the independent Catholic college preparatory school in Caldwell. Lorelei Middleton of Glen Ridge was named an AP Scholar with Distinction for scoring a three or higher on at least five […]
The dictionary says that an experienced and trusted advisor is a mentor and accordingly, resident Bob Silvera, 63, is just that for individuals contemplating a kidney transplant. A recipient himself, his road has been a medical odyssey. “It started 25 years ago with a heart issue,” he said recently. “It was a blocked artery. I […]