Belleville’s Sons meet the American Legion national commander in Woodbridge

Belleville’s Sons meet the American Legion national commander in Woodbridge

WOODBRIDGE, NJ — Members of the Belleville Sons of the American Legion had the honor and opportunity to meet National Commander Paul E. Dillard of the American Legion at Woodbridge Post No. 87 during Dillard’s official visit to New Jersey in early August. The national commander, who oversees the national organization of more than 1.8 […]

Belleville Sons of the American Legion attend NJ convention

Belleville Sons of the American Legion attend NJ convention

BELLEVILLE, NJ — For the second year in a row, the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105 attended the American Legion Detachment of New Jersey Convention in Wildwood, representing Belleville and the county of Essex at this 60th statewide meeting of the organization. With 17 members in attendance at this four-day event, Belleville’s Sons […]

Belleville American Legion buys and donates Nutley Girl Scout cookies

Belleville American Legion buys and donates Nutley Girl Scout cookies

BELLEVILLE / NUTLEY, NJ — American Legion Post 105 and Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105 made life a little sweeter recently by buying and donating 120 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to overseas-deployed troops and veterans. As they do every year, Girl Scouts around the country sell cookies as their biggest annual fundraiser. […]

Belleville American Legion Post 105 holds flag-retirement ceremony

Belleville American Legion Post 105 holds flag-retirement ceremony

BELLEVILLE, NJ — On Friday, Nov. 5, American Legion Post 105 held a flag-retirement ceremony in the parking lot of the post, located at 621 Washington Ave. in Belleville. With Post 105 Legionnaires, members of the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105 and friends of the post in attendance, more than 500 flags were […]

Belleville veterans organization raises money for American Cancer Society

Belleville veterans organization raises money for American Cancer Society

BELLEVILLE, NJ — Following a raffle and donation table at the Post 105 annual picnic, American Legion Post 105 and Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105, both with matching donations, have been able to send a check to the American Cancer Society for $1,800. At the SAL general meeting on Monday, Oct. 11, the […]

SAL 105 in Belleville holds ‘A Night of Comedy’ to benefit CWF

SAL 105 in Belleville holds ‘A Night of Comedy’ to benefit CWF

BELLEVILLE, NJ — Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105 of Belleville hosted “A Night of Comedy,” a comedy show run by the SAL state-level Detachment of New Jersey to benefit the Child Welfare Foundation. The comedy show, featuring four professional comedians, had more than 50 attendees. Following the show, Squadron 105 also made a […]

Annual American Legion picnic draws record numbers in Belleville

Annual American Legion picnic draws record numbers in Belleville

BELLEVILLE, NJ — American Legion Post 105 and Sons of the American Legion Squadron 105 of Belleville held their annual picnic on the third Saturday of September, with a sold-out attendance of 300 supporters. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year, raising thousands of dollars for the veterans programs run by Post 105, and […]

Belleville Historical Society hosts its annual July 4th celebration

Belleville Historical Society hosts its annual July 4th celebration

BELLEVILLE, NJ — The Belleville Historical Society’s July 4th ceremony went off with a bang as Belleville residents gathered at 11 a.m. at the old Belleville Dutch Reformed Church cemetery at Main and Rutger Street for the annual event to watch Revolutionary War reenactors fire muskets and cannon at the historic site.  Participants in the […]