Servants House is getting a makeover

Servants House is getting a makeover

Turning Point Community Services is reconfiguring and expanding its Servants House shelter facility. Grants from the Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey and the Schumann Fund for New Jersey have enabled the organization to expand its services to include a Clinical and Supportive Services Division, alongside a new Housing Assistance Program. “This will help us make […]

Adams reelected as Maplewood mayor

Adams reelected as Maplewood mayor

MAPLEWOOD — The township held its annual reorganization meeting on New Year’s Day with council members reelecting Nancy Adams as mayor and the township clerk swearing Malia Herman into office for the first time. The meeting was called to order at 2 p.m. and began with Boy Scout Troop 5 presenting the colors. Committeewoman Deborah […]

Maplewood lights the menorah

Maplewood lights the menorah

MAPLEWOOD — A menorah lighting ceremony was held Thursday, Dec. 26 in Ricalton Square on Maplewood Avenue. The event was led by Rabbi Sholom Bogomilsky of the Maplewood Jewish Center, who has organized a menorah lighting in the township for more than 20 years. Maplewood Councilman Vic DeLuca and Councilwoman-elect Malia Herman helped Bogomilsky light […]

Captain John is retiring from IFD

Captain John is retiring from IFD

IRVINGTON — John Santos Velez was about seven years old when he first showed up at the Irvington Fire Department. He’d hang out with the firefighters but he’d also do things around the fire house to help out, even directing out of town fire trucks to fire scenes when they responded to mutual aid calls […]

South Orange resident celebrates 100th birthday

South Orange resident celebrates 100th birthday

MAPLEWOOD — A birthday party was held Sunday for Peter Hirschmann, who turned 100 and was recognized by the township as “a remarkable individual whose life embodies resilience, courage and the enduring human  spirit.” Hirschman fled Nazi Germany as a teenager, settled in Newark and joined the Army, fighting in Europe during World War II […]

Holiday flea market draws crowd to Baker Street in Maplewood

Holiday flea market draws crowd to Baker Street in Maplewood

Baker Street in Maplewood was shut down on Sunday, Dec. 8, for a flea market featuring about 50 vendors on the street and in the Baker Street parking lot. Vendors sold a variety of items including vintage clothes, new clothes including hats, scarves and outerwear. Candles, honey and a variety of gifts were available, while […]

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