Imagine welcomes new volunteers and offers upcoming training

Imagine welcomes new volunteers and offers upcoming training

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — The staff at Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss offered its first in-person volunteer training since 2020 at the organization’s Mountainside center this summer. The 2022 summer training class members have joined the Imagine community of volunteers, facilitating grief support groups for children, teens, young adults and their parents/guardians. The new […]

Subtle tensions work their way through Premiere Stages’ production of ‘Scab’

Subtle tensions work their way through Premiere Stages’ production of ‘Scab’

UNION, NJ — The second play of Premiere Stages’ 2022 season, “Scab,” opened at Kean University on Thursday, Sept. 8. Written by Gino DiIorio and directed by Glen Ridge resident John J. Wooten, producing artistic director of Premiere Stages, “Scab” is a play of subtle tensions apart from the strife connecting its two characters: Gilda, […]

Glen Ridge CCC endorses candidates for upcoming election

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — The Glen Ridge Civic Conference Committee has endorsed Town Council candidates Peter Hughes and Richard Law, and Board of Education candidates Elisabeth Ginsburg, Tricia Akinwande and Heather Yaros-Ramos, according to a Sept. 7 press release. Any candidate seeking CCC endorsement participates in two interview rounds with members of the nonpartisan 109-year-old […]

Glen Ridge Girl Scout goes for gold by collecting green tomatoes

Glen Ridge Girl Scout goes for gold by collecting green tomatoes

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — Attention gardeners: Girl Scout Camille Azeglio, of Glen Ridge, wants your leftover green tomatoes. Actually, she has been collecting any organic leftover homegrown produce and herbs this season as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award project. She formed a cooperative organization called Community Crop Share, where she coordinates and collects […]

FDA-approved PET imaging agent for prostate cancer now available at Mountainside Medical Center

FDA-approved PET imaging agent for prostate cancer now available at Mountainside Medical Center

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men, with an estimated 268,490 new cases projected for 2022. In most cases, conventional screening does not accurately identify the location and extent of the cancer, until now. Hackensack Meridian Mountainside Medical Center, located in Glen […]

Sustainable Essex Alliance returns to PSE&G power for now

Sustainable Essex Alliance returns to PSE&G power for now

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — Residents who obtained energy through the Sustainable Essex Alliance Energy Procurement Cooperative may have recently noticed some changes on their bills. SEAEPC participants do not need to do anything different with their bills; the change is because the contract for the second round of the renewable energy aggregation program expired at […]

Glen Ridge Choral Society welcomes new voices

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — The Glen Ridge Choral Society is currently welcoming new members.  This enthusiastic community chorus of 40 to 45 members is dedicated to performing great choral music. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 8 to 9 p.m. at Glen Ridge Congregational Church, 195 Ridgewood Ave. in Glen Ridge. The first rehearsal of the […]

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