“A Different Man” tells the story of Edward, played by Sebastian Stan, who after undergoing facial reconstructive surgery becomes fixated on an actor in the stage production based on his former life. The movie was written and directed by Aaron Schimberg with scenes filmed in Maplewood and Montclair. Corey R. Taylor, a 35-year-old actor from […]
MAPLEWOOD — It started as a project in Art Teacher Curtis Grayson’’s classes about Spain – its culture, its architecture and its artists. And then, Ricardo The Bull happened. The more than 600-pound steer, who escaped the slaughterhouse and took to the streets and rail lines of Newark, captured the hearts and imaginations of Grayson […]
Sarah Jane Densen turned 100 this week. “She eats a relentlessly healthy diet, exercises regularly and remains both engaged and prayerful,” said her son Rob Densen. “These things really work.” Sarah said her philosophy of life is “to whenever and wherever possible, make someone’s life a little easier” and her secret to a long life […]
The past year has been a tough one for the South Orange Maplewood School District. “This past year, it was a lot of work,” said Kaitlin Wittleder, whose term as Board of Education president just expired. And while it’s been a rough year for the district, Wittleder wants to leave feeling like she moved […]
The School District of South Orange and Maplewood held their annual reorganization meeting, electing Qawi Telesford president and swearing in three new board members. “As a board, recent years have brought challenges with some suggesting that internal divisions and dysfunction hinder our ability to serve our children,” Telesford said in remarks after being selected. “Having […]
By Paul Brubaker Special to the News-Record MAPLEWOOD — The South Orange Maplewood School District’s complaint about a girl being disqualified from a basketball game because of the way she was wearing her hair has been sent to the N.J. Division of Civil Rights. The district filed a bias complaint with the New Jersey State […]
The Maplewood Township Committee had its annual reorganization meeting on Monday, selecting Nancy Adams as mayor and announcing that the main library would reopen in September. The meeting began with Assemblywoman Elect Garnett Hall leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Kari Capone singing and Bill Tally playing “The Star Spangled Banner” on the piano. The […]
South Mountain Reservation will be closed on certain Tuesdays in January and February so the number of deer can be reduced. “Controlling the population by removing deer from South Mountain and Hilltop has proven to be very successful in helping to preserve the forest habitat and maintain our reservations as viable resources for recreation and […]
MAPLEWOOD — Columbia High School Principal Frank Sanchez is on leave from his position and Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Ann Bodnar is serving as acting principal of Columbia High School until further notice. A letter sent to parents from Kevin F. Gilbert, acting superintendent of schools for the School District of South Orange […]
CHS Principal Frank Sanchez returns to school Columbia High School Principal Frank Sanchez was reinstated to his position in June after a tumultuous six months that saw him arrested on assault and child endangerment charges only to have them dropped after a grand jury hearing. The South Orange and Maplewood School District Board of Education voted […]