Chinese and American artists explore spirituality at Walsh Gallery

Chinese and American artists explore spirituality at Walsh Gallery

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — The Walsh Gallery at Seton Hall University presents “Matter + Spirit,” a traveling exhibition featuring 25 artists from China and North America — including Lauren Schiller, professor of fine arts at Seton Hall University’s College of Communication and the Arts. The exhibition is the result of a gathering of North American […]

South Orange and Newark residents at planning board meeting oppose Seton Hall Univ. proposal for rec center

South Orange and Newark residents at planning board meeting oppose Seton Hall Univ. proposal for rec center

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Residents from South Orange, Newark and Maplewood spoke out at the South Orange Planning Board meeting on Dec. 5 in an attempt to sway board members from approving an application from Seton Hall University to expand the Richie Regan Recreation and Athletic Center, saying that the addition will exacerbate flooding in […]

Seton Hall Univ. appoints assistant provost and dean of continuing and professional education

Seton Hall Univ. appoints assistant provost and dean of continuing and professional education

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — On Jan. 3, Seton Hall will welcome Mary Kate Naatus to the position of assistant provost and dean of continuing and professional education. In this role, she will be responsible for the recently reorganized Division of Continuing and Professional Education. As dean, she will oversee the development and implementation of divisional […]

Bloomfield Township hosts annual turkey giveaway

Bloomfield Township hosts annual turkey giveaway

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — On Sunday, Nov. 20, Bloomfield once again held its annual turkey giveaway, giving out more than 700 turkeys with holiday fixings to township residents. The event was held in the back parking lot of the municipal building and was made possible thanks to donations from the community. “This yearly tradition is a […]

Slavoj Žižek returns to Seton Hall University

Slavoj Žižek returns to Seton Hall University

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Slavoj Žižek, the internationally renowned academic whom the Chronicle of Higher Education famously dubbed “the Elvis of cultural theory,” returned to Seton Hall University in early November for a public event titled “An Evening with Slavoj Žižek: Why Do We Enjoy Feeling Ashamed?” Hosted by English professor Russell Sbriglia, the event, […]

Bloomfield College president hosts ACE Women’s Network-NJ event

Bloomfield College president hosts ACE Women’s Network-NJ event

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — Bloomfield College President Marcheta P. Evans recently hosted board members from the American Council on Education Women’s Network–New Jersey at the college’s Westminster Arts Center. More than 50 higher education leaders from northern and central New Jersey, representing both public and private, and two-year and four-year institutions of higher learning, joined together […]

SHU Center for Community Research and Engagement launches Change for Good

SHU Center for Community Research and Engagement launches Change for Good

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — As community practitioner in residence at the Center for Community Research and Engagement at Seton Hall University, Jamila T. Davis has launched the Change for Good program, according to an Oct. 10 press release. The program, initiated with the Newark Office of Violence Prevention and Trauma Recovery, is designed to give […]