“Beautiful: The Carole King Musical” is a high-energy entertaining musical which follows the early years of Carole King’s rise to success. This Tony-nominated musical, with book by Douglas McGrath, directed by Casey Hushion and with an outstanding 18-member uber-talented cast is a must-see and currently playing at the Paper Mill Playhouse. The show opens […]
The new, 13,000-square-foot Bilal Beasley Community Center was dedicated Friday in Irvington Park. The structure provides modern accommodations for residents to gather and experience the park in a new way and provideS additional space for community groups who regularly utilize the park, according to Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo Jr. “The old community center […]
ORANGE — The Orange Education Foundation held its People of Excellence Jazz Brunch on May 4, at the Hanover Manor. About 150 people celebrated the contributions of the five honorees: Pia L. Frazier, Orange Board of Education attendance and truancy interventionist; Dr. Stella N. Korieocha, Optometrist; Janicia M. Jones-Vance, Scholars Academy Pre-School teacher; Ronald C. […]
By Susan FitzGibbon There’s “An Invisible Thread” that holds “My Brilliant Friend(s)” together in our West Orange book group. “One Summer (in) America,” quite a few years ago but not as long ago as 1927 nor even “1984”, we “(The) Forgot(ten) our Garden(s)” and joined together as a club to be “The Interesting(s)” “(The) Group” […]
More than 300 people recently gathered on the front lawn of the B’nai Shalom temple on Pleasant Valley Way in West Orange for the unveiling of a nine-foot tall, 300 pound milk carton with images of hostages. The milk carton with pictures of hostages held by Hamas mimics the advertisements of missing children that were […]
Bess Kalb is an Emmy Award-nominated writer for the “Jimmy Kimmel Live” television show and a journalist with The New Yorker magazine. She’s also the author of the best seller “Nobody Will Tell You This But Me: A True Story.” She recently was at Words Bookstore in Maplewood, reading from her new children’s book, “Buffalo […]
Glen Ridge held its annual Memorial Day parade Monday, May 27. One could not ask for better weather. But following the parade of residents and civic organizations down Ridgewood Avenue, the number of people gathered at its terminus, between the public library and elementary school, the site of the veterans’ monuments, was noticeably fewer than […]
One of the biggest events of the year in West Orange made its return. Thousands of people showed up for the Street Fair, which was several blocks long, featuring more than 100 local crafters and food from local vendors, street performers, a classic car show, a beer and wine garden, a rock-climbing wall, and all-day […]
GLEN RIDGE — The mayor and council will consider the adoption of an ordinance to prohibit short-term rental properties at their meeting on Monday, June 10. This meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the seconnd floor of the Glen Ridge Municipal Building, located at 825 Bloomfield Ave., Glen Ridge. […]
Bloomfield observed Memorial Day on Monday, May 27, with its traditional parade down Broad Street. But in the wee hours that day, the forecast was touch-and-go. Fortunately, the march went on as scheduled and, as if in approval, the skies became lustrous. Following the parade, which ended at a viewing stand on The Green, Mayor […]